Valparaiso Street Art Chile
Is it art or graffiti? … Valapariso-street-art-Chile
A mural, frieze, a community project, an individual artist? You need guidance and illumination.
During a recent visit to Valparaiso we undertook a magnificent tour conducted by a local street artist of some (and there are 1000s) examples of the art, not graffiti, in this amazing city.
Valparaiso ranks high in the world for its street art, alongside and even surpassing Berlin and London.
What sort of paint is used? What type of spray can nozzle? The depths of this art form beggar the imagination.
Some of the art is supported by the city authorities.
Many hostels, cafes, restaurants compete for the top artists to ‘decorate’ their premises.
Of all there is to see in Chile – this is a highlight. Valapariso-street-art-Chile
Some examples below…